In the council chambers at City Hall, Mayor Susan Whelchel presented Assistant Fire Chief Dave Woodside with a proclamation in recognition for his services to the citizens of Boca Raton. Chief Woodside a 23 year veteran is the head of Boca Raton Fire Rescue Services Fire and Life Safety Division. He was awarded Firefighter of the Year in 2002 and currently serves as President of the Florida Fire Marshals Association, Regional Director of the Florida Fire Marshals and Inspectors Association and is the fire representative to the Palm Beach County Fire Code Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Among his achievements Chief Woodside was selected as Florida’s 2012 Fire Marshal of the Year. Through his dedicated service and devotion to duty Chief Woodside is responsible for numerous improvements in public safety which will help save lives and property.
![]() Boca Raton, Florida : Boca Raton Team B wins at Fire Rescue competition. Boca Raton Fire Rescue Advanced Life Support Competition Teams traveled to Daytona Beach Florida to compete in the 9th Annual ALS/BLS Competition held at Fire Rescue East. There were four BLS (Basic Life Support), seventeen ALS (Advanced Life Support) and a student team from Santa Fe Community College. Twenty two in all from across the state came to compete for the coveted traveling trophy. After the preliminary round the top teams were announced; fourth place, Boca Raton Team A. In third place was Flagler MCI, second place Boca Raton Team B and first place Orlando. The final scenario put the teams to the test challenging their skills with multiple patients which included a pediatric patient that was in cardiac arrest When it was over it was Boca Raton Team B who took First Place. The winner of the BLS competition was a team from Georgia Pacific. Competitions have become a valuable tool. Boca Raton Fire Rescue teams have been competing in events since 1981. The teams train hard all through out the year to prepare for competitions. Training and competing allows teams to network, share ideas, training methods and equipment. The information that is taken back to the department is shared during training sessions which helps to provide the highest quality of emergency care to our citizens. On Sunday, January 20, 2013 Captain John Luca, President of Local 1560 along with members of The Firefighters of Boca Raton, Boca Raton Deputy Mayor Susan Haynie, Fire Chief Tom Wood, citizens, groups and special guests joined State Senator Maria Sachs and Representative Irv Slosberg to honor fallen Firefighter John Anthony Wilson. The event was held at the Boca Raton Marriot at Crocker Center. John, a 15 year veteran was killed on February 7th, 2011 while riding his bicycle off duty near his home in Jupiter. John was an extraordinary firefighter and loving family man. He was active in the Knights of Columbus, at St. Peters Church and with youth sports. As a gourmet chef he used his talents not only to cook for his brother and sisters at the fire station but John also helped in the community as well.
Representative Slosberg presented John’s wife Mary and her family with a proclamation from the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County declaring January 20th, 2013 John Anthony Wilson Memorial Day. Representative Slosberg and the Dori Slosberg Foundation work with groups across the state to help educate citizens on the importance of traffic safety. On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 top members from Garda Cash Logistics, came together in south Florida for a team building exercise. Part of this exercise was to make and create stuffed animals. Over 100 members were divided in teams who stuffed, sewed and dressed their creations. When they were finished teddy bears, monkeys, piglets and cows were transformed into beautiful huggable stuffed animals. These special animals, all dressed as firefighters were presented to members of Boca Raton Fire Rescue Services. Fire Captain John
Luca, Senior Fire Inspector Matt Welhalf and Frank Correggio, Director of Communications for Local 1560 accepted over 50 stuffed animals These animals will ride along with members of Fire Rescue to all emergency calls and be given to sick or injured children to help ease their trauma. Garda’s cooperate office located in Boca Raton plans to work together with Boca Raton Fire Rescue on future projects. |
AuthorIAFF Local 1560 Archives
February 2014